China calling for political settlement on Ukraine crisis


A Chinese official is calling for the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis with the greatest sense of urgency.

The Ukraine crisis still drags on. The humanitarian situation remains extremely dire and the spillover effects of the crisis continue to manifest themselves. The international community should take positive steps to mitigate the humanitarian consequences of the conflict and make joint efforts for the de-escalation of the situation and an early cessation of hostilities, said Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations.

First, every effort should be made to reduce the harm and suffering done to civilians, he told a Security Council meeting on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine.

Second, the red line of nuclear safety must never be crossed, he said, adding nuclear weapons must not be used and a nuclear war must not be fought.

“We call for maximum restraint and for avoiding words and deeds that could exacerbate confrontation and lead to miscalculations. China supports the director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency in maintaining communication with Russia and Ukraine and playing a crucial role in safeguarding the safety and security of civilian nuclear facilities.”

Third, the spillover effects of the conflict response measures should be taken seriously and managed, said Zhang.

Fourth, and most fundamentally, the greatest sense of urgency is needed for the political settlement of the crisis, said Zhang.

There are no simple answers to complex issues. Any comprehensive solution always begins with the first step and the resumption of dialogue and negotiations cannot be delayed indefinitely. All parties should create conditions for advancing dialogue and negotiations instead of adding fuel to the fire and escalating tensions in an attempt to profit from it, he said.


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