
National News

Celebrating the 126th Philippine Independence Day: Reflecting on History and Facing Modern Challenges

The CurrentPH News Team covered the flag raising ceremony that spearheaded the various commemorative event of the Philippines’ 126th Independence Day on June 12,...

Celebrating the 126th Philippine Independence Day: Reflecting on History and Facing Modern Challenges

The CurrentPH News Team covered the flag raising ceremony that spearheaded the various commemorative event of the Philippines' 126th Independence Day on June 12,...

Comprehensive Analysis: Addressing PH Security Threats and Formulating Defense Strategies

The Philippines is currently grappling with a multitude of security threats that demand immediate and strategic responses. The is article shed light on the...

LTO, DMW launch LTO PBBM Project to facilitate driver’s license renewal for Pinoys abroad

The Land Transportation Office (LTO) and the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) have launched a program that will facilitate the renewal of driver’s license...

The Natural Gas Boom in the Philippines: Economic Boon or Environmental Bane?

The Philippines is experiencing a significant surge in natural gas development, driven by both economic ambitions and the urgent need to address energy demands....

El Niño Ends: The Shift to La Niña and Its Global Implications

The climate phenomenon known as El Niño, which has been a significant driver of global weather patterns, has officially ended. This transition marks the...


PSA: MANUFACTURING OUTPUT GROWS IN APRIL The country's manufacturing output grew in April both in volume and value, which is a rebound from the contraction...

Navigating the Green Maze: Political Stances on Environmental Issues in the Philippines

In the dynamic arena of Philippine politics, where power shifts like shifting tides, taking a firm stance on green issues becomes a complex dance...