
Humans: Created in the Image and Likeness of God

But Now Diabolically Killing GAIA

It has been said that the most flawed of all of God’s creations is the Homo Sapiens who are responsible for killing one hundred fifty million fellow humans in the 20th century alone out of two world wars and the massacres done by Stalin, Pol Pot, and Hitler. But the brutality of the humans now suffering from collective insanity is not just against their kindred but against all forms of life on earth and GAIA (Mother Earth) Herself now dying because of the humans’ so much veneration of the profit motive as Satan has buried humanity deeply in unbridled materialism and consumerism. Indeed, humans have been controlled by the Ego (the devil), so engrossed in compulsive thinking on the instant pursuit of fame, wealth, and power and in the never-ending pursuit of the whims and capriciousness of the mundane in total disregard of the sublime.

Humans are even guilty of sacrificing GAIA to the altar of Satan (greed and whims of the mundane) and have already put to extinction billions of species that have been created billions of years before the creation of the newcomer Homo Sapiens, having been created only some 700 million years ago,  Thus, by seniority, those billions of species of flora and fauna, have more right to live but humans have never heard their cry while they are massacred by fellow humans as they are continuously kneeling before the images inside their respective churches which just originated  from the creative imagination of the famous painter, Leonardo da Vinci who painted the “Last Supper.”

As declared by thousands of concerned scientists worldwide, GAIA is now on the precipice of its 6th extinction described as just “one minute before midnight”.  The 5th extinction happened some 63 million years ago when asteroids hit the earth putting to extinction the dinosaurs. This time, the 6th extinction is called as Anthropocene (man-made) done through the crimes of direct commission or non-feasance and malfeasance.  It is so amazing how God loves us that “He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” Yes, God loves us so much that He does not want us to suffer any calamity unless, of course, we have asked for it through our actions and inactions. What we have done to GAIA is very glaring, and now in deep pain and hemorrhaging without let-up. Let us now reflect.

Her “lungs,” (the forest) are almost gone. In the Philippines, only 8% remain as the 17 million hectares of dipterocarp forests, causing the massacre of all life forms (flora and fauna) that dwell in the forest ecosystem, the richest on earth with regards to endemicity. In the uplands/hinterlands alone of Cagayan de Oro, Bukidnon, and Lake Lanao, the two hundred thousand hectares of dipterocarp forest had been logged without let-up for five decades by six logging companies that had violated all the environmental laws prohibiting them from logging in areas with an altitude of more than one thousand meters above sea level or in slope with more than 50% gradient.  All the areas logged by the loggers were within these prohibited zones. They did not even do their obligation to do replanting as embodied in the Timber License Agreement (TLA) issued by the DENR. The DENR must be made accountable for why that office did not enforce environmental laws in the last 5 decades. The loggers were bragging then, despite our human barricades, that they could not be stopped as 90% of the people in that office were under their payroll.

The environmental tragedy that caused the vanishment of our very important forest ecosystem happened in just one century “in just a wink of an eye,” as our country had supplied the timber needs of the world through massive and intensive logging as our country has the finest timber in the world as the loggers would earn some P400 million pesos from one shipment alone. The loggers’ gargantuan racings have formed a strong cabal of vested interest with an imprimatur from powers-that-be who were in power then despite their horrible crimes against GAIA. Some known loggers were even voted to high positions, i.e., Mayor, Congressmen, Senators, and Governors because from out of their massive raking, they bought votes. To know more, please read the book of Ms. Marites Vitug,” Power from the Forest,” and how they have accumulated power as economic power begets political power.

Her “veins” (the rivers) are either drained or heavily polluted as 15 of the 25 major rivers in the country are already biologically dead. We have already lost 75% of our mangroves (the spawning grounds of fish) and only 5% is in excellent condition. Our coral reefs, that delicate gift from Providence have been heavily destroyed through dynamite fishing and “muro ami.” How stupid were we when we allowed Japanese computerized trawlers and fishing vessels to rake our seas? We are even allowing China to exploit the Philippine West Sea. The Philippines was described then as the “center of the center of marine life on earth.” Now gone forever and the fishing communities are now living in extreme poverty.

Her “fever” (global warming) lingers, causing Her so much discomfort, i.e., colds (storms), sneezing (typhoons), shakings (earthquakes) and deliriums (tsunamis).  Her “stomach” (the oceans) is now so upset as our bays are just treated as a dumping ground of toxic waste, now suffering from heavy siltation and poisoned through the massive use of toxic chemicals from massive plantations. The sea level is now rising as some 1,000 hectares of the 386-meter-high icebergs are melting every in the Arctic, Antarctic, and in third pole, the Himalayas. Her “skin” (the 6-inch top layer of the earth – the soil that gives life) has been scalped through massive illegal mining operations or poisoned through massive use of chemicals on plantations.  Her “blood” (the water tables) has been injected with toxic chemicals through conventional agriculture.  In Mindanao alone, the 200,000 hectares of plantation are intensively applying chemical fertilizers and pesticides as if some 2,000 dump trucks are unloading chemicals to our water table every day.  Based on studies, of the 14 types of chemicals, 8 are already banned abroad.  That is the reason why many Filipinos are dying of cancer.

But the harm done to GAIA is not only happening in our country but worldwide.  Just recently, it was so sad to hear that thousands died in Libya due to a storm where 100,000 Libyans were rendered homeless. All told GAIA is a victim of a wrong development paradigm called Corporate Globalization. As portrayed in International social media, to quote: “Corporate Globalization does not only destroy the environment as it has no respect for the beautiful world we were given. What precious bounty we started with – a world so rich in resources, rich in water, trees, and land!  So rich in fish and marine life. Corporate Globalization has systematically destroyed all these amazing beautiful lives of nature. Indeed, what have we done to the beautiful world we were given as a home? We have polluted our water and our air. We’ve polluted our ocean with oil. We have made a desert where there was once a green meadow. All for the sake of corporate globalization.”

Glaringly, through corporate Globalization, the non-stop exploitation of the earth’s ecological resources has brought about the tremendous accumulation of wealth to a few elites, oligarchs, and cartels, to only one percent of the global population in cohort with power-that-be and the mainstream media but breeding so much poverty, social injustices, and gross inequities and all at the expense of GAIA, now in severe pain. That’s what Satan wants to happen: the destruction of life on earth and the unimaginable is becoming imaginable: the end of life on earth. All these years, we have been deceived through the fallacies of life.  The only way to stop the earth’s accelerating drive towards the precipice of death is through the realization that a human being does not just have a physical form (body) but spirit or CONSCIOUSNESS. Let us now dive deep within ourselves to know who truly we are: an embodied spirit that should be connected to the Ocean of Consciousness called God. Let us now debunk the mundane and go to the Sublime.

Let us declare that the Satanic period that has buried humanity in unbridled materialism and consumerism, to that collective insanity, drunk to the whims and capriciousness of seeking intensive wealth, fame, and power IS NOW OVER. Let us be one with nature’s fragile web of life. Indeed, INTER-CONNECTEDNESS AND THE ONENESS OF LIFE IS TRUE LOVE AND GOD IS LOVE. Greed and profit through unbridled materialism and consumerism is the language of Satan, promoting war as manufacturing armaments that can kill mankind forty times over means tremendous wealth to these corporations. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Let us now debunk such developments that promote poverty, violence, war, and death. Let us NOW BECOME TRANSFORMATIVE FOR PEOPLE, PLANET, PROSPERITY AND PEACE. With that shift of consciousness of oneness with nature, we will feel that great STILLNESS & THE VAST SPACIOUSNESS to connect with the UNSEEN, FORMLESS BEING called GOD. That indeed is true transformation which is FREEDOM from the fallacies of life.

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Orlando Ravanerahttp://currentph.com
Orlando Ravanera today is a well respected journalist in Mindanao running columns in several major local newspapers. He is the Chairperson of 2 major environmental movements in Mindanao - the Task Force Macalajar Bay and the Task Force Kinaiyahan and National Chairperson of the the Makakalikasan - Nature Party Philippines, an emerging national green political party. He is former Undersecretary and Chairperson of the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)


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