
World News

Gaza War Intensified on Day 250 as Ceasefire Negotiations Continue Amid Allegations of War Crimes. For the Philippines, It is Time to Reflect on...

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has escalated significantly, with both sides entrenched in a brutal exchange of fire. Efforts by international mediators to...

Celebrating Coral Triangle Day 2024: Conservation Efforts and Challenges

Today, June 9, marks Coral Triangle Day, a celebration aimed at raising awareness about the world's most biodiverse marine area. The Coral Triangle, encompassing...

El Niño Ends: The Shift to La Niña and Its Global Implications

The climate phenomenon known as El Niño, which has been a significant driver of global weather patterns, has officially ended. This transition marks the...

DOTR Cancels Chinese Loans Amid PLA Sleeper Cell Raid?

Many speculate about a link between the canceled DOTR-China loan financing deal and the Valle Verde raid last October 16. Six arrested Chinese nationals...

Israeli-Hamas War: Proportionality

Israeli-Gaza War: Proportionality in response to Hamas Attack Okay, I get it. That October 7 attack by Hamas militants, which left 1,400 Israeli Jews brutally...

Israel-Hamas War: Zero Sum Game or Regional Cooperation?

In the midst of the Israeli-Gaza war, which has now entered its fifth day, one cannot help but wonder why neighboring peoples are engaged...

Israeli-Hamas War: Casualties to rise as both camps expect this “war” to be “long and hard”

On the day Hamas, an internationally designated terrorist group, launched an attack on Israel, it triggered a chain of events that have resulted in...

In the Shadow of Rising Tensions: Will the West Philippine Sea Erupt into Conflict

“In the Shadow of Rising Tensions: Will the West Philippine Sea Erupt into Conflict?” By Richard Rivera The West Philippine Sea has become a theater of...

UN appeals for aid for people fleeing Sudan into Ethiopia

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) is appealing for additional funding to address the needs of people fleeing Sudan who are crossing into Ethiopia. The...