

Coral Reef Preservation and Restoration

by: Ike Seneres We may not be able to eat the sea corals, but we can eat the fish and other marine life that are...

The Natural Gas Boom in the Philippines: Economic Boon or Environmental Bane?

The Philippines is experiencing a significant surge in natural gas development, driven by both economic ambitions and the urgent need to address energy demands....

Celebrating Coral Triangle Day 2024: Conservation Efforts and Challenges

Today, June 9, marks Coral Triangle Day, a celebration aimed at raising awareness about the world's most biodiverse marine area. The Coral Triangle, encompassing...

Navigating the Green Maze: Political Stances on Environmental Issues in the Philippines

In the dynamic arena of Philippine politics, where power shifts like shifting tides, taking a firm stance on green issues becomes a complex dance...

Bridging the Green Finance Gap: The Philippines’ Urgent Need for Climate Action Funding

Green finance in the Philippines is evolving as the country seeks to address its significant climate vulnerabilities and transition to a more sustainable economy....

World Environment Day, June 5, 2024: Urgent Actions Needed to Combat Plastic Pollution and Manage Natural Resources in the Philippines

Today, June 5, the world celebrates World Environment Day with the global theme "Solutions to Plastic Pollution," highlighting the urgent need to address one...

Land Struggles in the Bangsamoro: A Historical Impasse and the Uncertain Future of Teduray-Lambangian IPs

The Bangsamoro region in the southern Philippines carries the weight of a complex and often violent history. A central theme in this narrative is...

Toward a Blue Green Commune: Collaborative Stewardship for the West Philippine Sea

The West Philippine Sea, a critical body of water in Southeast Asia, has become a focal point of territorial disputes and environmental degradation. Historically...

Thousands of Ilocano Farmers Harassed and Coercively Evicted in Favor of Corporations: A Joint Appeal by Three Archbishops

In a heartfelt and urgent appeal, three archbishops have addressed a letter to His Excellency, expressing profound concern over the harrowing situation faced by...