
The Global Far-Right Surge: Lessons for Philippine Politics in the Fight Against Oligarchies and Environmental Collapse

The resurgence of far-right political movements has become a significant global phenomenon, marked by increasing electoral successes and growing influence across various regions. This trend spans a diverse array of political landscapes, from Europe to Southeast Asia and the Americas. To understand the dynamics behind this resurgence, it’s essential to examine the recent developments in several key areas, including France, the broader European context, the United States, Southeast Asia, and the environmental stances adopted by far-right movements.

Far-Right Politics in France

France has been a focal point of the far-right resurgence, particularly with the rise of Marine Le Pen and the National Rally (RN). The RN has steadily gained ground, posing a formidable challenge to the traditional political establishment. In recent elections, the possibility of the RN securing an absolute majority has become a serious consideration, reflecting a broader shift in voter sentiment towards populist and nationalist rhetoric.

Marine Le Pen has effectively capitalized on public discontent with issues like immigration, economic inequality, and the perceived erosion of national identity. This strategy has not only bolstered the RN’s base but also attracted voters from across the political spectrum, including those traditionally aligned with the left​ (Voxeurop)​​ (Nordia)​.

European Context

The far-right surge is not limited to France. Across Europe, far-right parties have made significant electoral gains. In countries like Germany and Italy, these parties have managed to enter mainstream politics, influencing national agendas and policies. The European Parliament elections have also seen a rise in far-right representation, which threatens to reshape the EU’s political landscape.

One of the key drivers behind this trend is the increasing appeal of far-right ideologies among younger voters. Economic uncertainties, concerns over immigration, and disillusionment with traditional parties have pushed many young Europeans towards populist solutions that promise a return to perceived national greatness and stability​ (OpenEdition)​.

The United States and Global Implications

In the United States, the far-right has gained momentum through figures like Donald Trump, whose rhetoric and policies have emboldened nationalist and populist movements. The parallels between the American and European far-right are striking, with both leveraging issues of immigration, economic nationalism, and cultural identity to galvanize support.

The global influence of the far-right is further exemplified by the international networks and cooperation among these movements. They share strategies, ideologies, and even financial support, creating a transnational web that amplifies their impact​ (Voxeurop)​​ (Nordia)​.

Southeast Asia and Beyond

Southeast Asia has not been immune to the far-right wave. In countries like Malaysia, nationalist right-wing movements have gained traction, often rooted in ethnocentric and religious ideologies. These movements exploit local issues such as economic disparities and ethnic tensions, mirroring the tactics of their Western counterparts.

The spread of far-right ideologies in Southeast Asia is also facilitated by the use of social media platforms like TikTok, where far-right memes and content proliferate, reaching and influencing a younger, more tech-savvy audience​ (Nordia)​​ (OpenEdition)​.

Far-Right Environmental Stances

The environmental policies of far-right parties present a complex and often contradictory picture. Traditionally, far-right movements have been associated with climate change denial and opposition to progressive environmental policies. However, there has been a notable shift towards what some term “green patriotism” or “eco-nationalism.”

In Europe, for example, parties like the French RN have begun to integrate environmental themes into their nationalist agendas. This approach emphasizes localism, conservation of national landscapes, and skepticism towards international climate agreements, which they view as threats to national sovereignty. This shift can be seen as a strategic move to broaden their appeal and counter the dominant narrative that associates environmentalism solely with left-wing politics.

The RN’s “Nouvelle écologie” (New Ecology) initiative is a case in point, promoting a vision of environmentalism that aligns with nationalist values and protectionist economic policies. This form of environmentalism often merges with xenophobic and anti-immigrant sentiments, portraying the protection of the natural environment as intertwined with the preservation of national identity​ (Voxeurop)​​ (Nordia)​​ (OpenEdition)​.

The Philippines: A Case Study

The political dynamics in the Philippines provide an interesting case study of the intersection between far-right ideologies and broader political coalitions. Recently, former Senator Antonio Trillanes IV suggested a broad anti-Duterte coalition, which could potentially unite the right, left, and middle forces against the Duterte political dynasty and its perceived alignment with Chinese interests and oligarchic structures. This proposed coalition aims to address issues of corruption, political dynasties, and foreign influence, reflecting a complex interplay of nationalist and populist sentiments​ (OpenEdition)​.

For environmental groups like Makakalikasan, the question arises whether joining such a coalition is beneficial. On one hand, this alliance could amplify efforts against corruption and promote a more accountable government, potentially leading to better environmental governance. On the other hand, there is a risk that environmental priorities might be sidelined in favor of broader political goals.

An alternative approach for Makakalikasan could be to step up and lead a new political force focused explicitly on environmental and social justice. This would involve transcending traditional political divisions and advocating for a platform that prioritizes ecological sustainability, community resilience, and a holistic approach to governance. Such a movement would aim to unite diverse constituencies around the common goal of preserving the environment and ensuring a just and equitable future for all species​ (OpenEdition)​.


The resurgence of the far-right in global politics is a multifaceted phenomenon driven by a combination of economic, social, and political factors. From France to Southeast Asia, these movements have successfully tapped into public discontent and leveraged nationalist rhetoric to gain power and influence. Their environmental policies, while increasingly prominent, often reflect a broader agenda of nationalistic and protectionist values rather than genuine ecological concern.

Understanding the rise of the far-right requires a comprehensive analysis of these interconnected trends and their implications for both national and international politics. As these movements continue to evolve, they pose significant challenges to the established political order and the global efforts to address issues like climate change, immigration, and economic inequality.

In the Philippines, the proposed coalition against the Duterte political dynasty presents both opportunities and challenges for environmental advocates. Whether to join this coalition or to lead a new, green-focused political force is a strategic decision that will shape the future of environmental governance in the country. The potential for a unifying force that transcends traditional political divisions and prioritizes ecological sustainability offers a hopeful vision for addressing the pressing existential issues of our time.

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Roy Cabonegrohttp://currentph.com
Roy Cabonegro is President of the Makakalikasan - Nature Party Philipppine an emerging national green political party. He is also Publishing Manager of Impacts Publishing and acting as Editor in Chief of its http://www.currentph.com online publication.


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