
The Natural Gas Boom in the Philippines: Economic Boon or Environmental Bane?

The Philippines is experiencing a significant surge in natural gas development, driven by both economic ambitions and the urgent need to address energy demands. This natural gas boom, however, is met with a dual narrative. On one hand, it is seen as a potential economic boon, promising to enhance the country’s energy security and boost economic growth. On the other hand, environmentalists express concern over its impact on climate change, labeling natural gas as a significant pollutant. This article synthesizes insights from several key sources to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of natural gas in the Philippines, its economic implications, legislative landscape, and environmental repercussions.

Economic Potential and Legislative Developments

The natural gas industry in the Philippines is poised for substantial growth, driven by recent legislative and infrastructural advancements. The Philippine Senate is currently deliberating on the country’s first natural gas bill, a crucial piece of legislation aimed at fostering the development and regulation of the natural gas sector. This bill is expected to lay down the framework for the extraction, transportation, and commercialization of natural gas, providing a clear path for investors and stakeholders.

Senate Bill No. 1819, also known as the Philippine Natural Gas Industry Development Act, seeks to establish a comprehensive regulatory framework that would streamline the permitting process, offer fiscal incentives, and ensure environmental safeguards. Proponents of the bill argue that it will attract foreign investment, create jobs, and contribute to energy security by diversifying the country’s energy mix. The swift passage of this bill is seen as imperative to capitalize on the current momentum and to establish the Philippines as a competitive player in the global natural gas market.

Natural Gas in the Energy Mix

Natural gas is increasingly being integrated into the Philippines’ energy mix as a cleaner alternative to coal and oil. The country’s energy policy has been gradually shifting towards more sustainable sources, with natural gas playing a pivotal role in this transition. The Department of Energy (DOE) has been actively promoting natural gas as a key component of the country’s energy strategy, highlighting its potential to provide a stable and reliable energy supply while reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to coal.

The Malampaya gas field, currently the country’s primary source of natural gas, is projected to be depleted by 2027. This impending depletion has spurred the government to explore new gas fields and develop liquefied natural gas (LNG) importation facilities. Several LNG terminals are under construction, aimed at securing a continuous supply of natural gas to meet the growing energy demands of the country.

Economic Benefits

The economic benefits of a robust natural gas industry are multifaceted. Firstly, it promises to reduce the country’s dependency on imported oil, thereby improving energy security and stabilizing energy prices. Secondly, the development of natural gas infrastructure and facilities is expected to generate significant employment opportunities, both direct and indirect. This includes jobs in construction, operations, maintenance, and ancillary services.

Moreover, the natural gas industry is anticipated to attract substantial foreign investment, which will stimulate economic growth and development. The entry of multinational energy companies brings not only capital but also advanced technology and expertise, which are crucial for the efficient and sustainable development of the natural gas sector.

Environmental Concerns

Despite its economic promise, the natural gas boom in the Philippines has sparked considerable environmental concerns. Natural gas, while cleaner than coal, still contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. The extraction and transportation processes can lead to methane leaks, a potent greenhouse gas that significantly exacerbates global warming. Environmentalists argue that the country should instead invest more heavily in renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, which have far lower environmental impacts.

The concerns are not unfounded. Studies indicate that the methane emissions from natural gas infrastructure can offset the climate benefits of using natural gas over coal. Furthermore, the construction of LNG terminals and related infrastructure poses risks to marine ecosystems and coastal communities. There are also fears that the focus on natural gas might divert resources and attention from the development of truly sustainable energy solutions.

The Makakalikasan Party’s Critique

The Makakalikasan Party, a prominent environmental group in the Philippines, has been vocal in its opposition to the expansion of the natural gas industry. They argue that the ongoing heatwaves and other climate-related disasters should serve as a stark warning about the dangers of continuing to rely on fossil fuels. The party has criticized the government’s emphasis on natural gas, calling it a “false solution” to the climate crisis. Instead, they advocate for a rapid transition to 100% renewable energy sources and green public works projects.

The Makakalikasan Party has specifically opposed the renewal of the Malampaya gas service contract, asserting that such moves only delay the inevitable need to shift to sustainable energy solutions. They highlight that while natural gas may offer short-term economic benefits, it poses long-term environmental risks that the country can ill afford. Their stance is that the government’s current energy strategy is insufficient to address the urgent and severe impacts of climate change.

The Makakalikasan Party strongly contends that natural gas should not be considered a viable transition fuel. They argue that the environmental and climatic impacts of natural gas are too severe to warrant its inclusion in transition finance mechanisms. Instead, they propose that public finance should be redirected from privatized fossil fuel projects to upgrading and expanding baseline renewable energy sources, such as geothermal and hydroelectric power. This approach, they argue, would allow for a rapid shift to renewable energy without the intermediate step of increased fossil fuel use.

The Aklan Oil Spill and Broader Implications

The recent oil spill in Aklan has further underscored the environmental risks associated with fossil fuels. The Makakalikasan Party has pointed to this disaster as a clear example of the dangers of continuing reliance on oil and gas. The oil spill caused significant environmental damage, impacting marine life and local communities dependent on fishing and tourism. This incident has reinforced the party’s call for a complete shift to renewable energy sources, arguing that such disasters will only become more frequent and severe if fossil fuel dependence continues.

The Makakalikasan Party’s Alternative

The Makakalikasan Party proposes a comprehensive alternative focused on renewable energy and green public works. They advocate for substantial investments in solar, wind, and hydropower projects, arguing that the Philippines has abundant natural resources that can be harnessed sustainably. Their plan includes:

  1. Massive Investment in Renewable Energy: Prioritizing solar and wind energy projects across the country, which would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide cleaner energy.
  2. Green Public Works: Initiating projects that improve infrastructure while promoting environmental sustainability. This includes the development of green buildings, sustainable transportation systems, and urban green spaces.
  3. Community-Based Renewable Projects: Encouraging local communities to participate in and benefit from renewable energy projects. This approach aims to decentralize energy production and ensure that the benefits of clean energy reach all sectors of society.
  4. Energy Efficiency Programs: Implementing nationwide energy efficiency measures to reduce overall energy consumption and lower emissions.
  5. Educational and Training Programs: Promoting education and training initiatives to develop a workforce skilled in renewable energy technologies and sustainable practices.

The Marcos Administration’s Natural Gas Strategy

The Marcos administration has been actively promoting the natural gas transition as a key element of its energy policy. This strategy involves using natural gas as a bridge fuel to facilitate the shift from coal to renewables. However, critics argue that this approach is not ambitious enough to address the urgent need for climate action. They point out that while natural gas produces fewer emissions than coal, it still contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

Moreover, the administration’s focus on natural gas has raised concerns about the potential neglect of renewable energy development. The investment and policy focus on natural gas infrastructure could divert resources from more sustainable energy solutions. Critics argue that the Philippines has abundant renewable energy resources that remain underutilized. For instance, the country’s solar and wind potential is vast, yet these sectors have not received the level of investment and policy support necessary to fully realize their potential.

Balancing Economic and Environmental Objectives

The Philippine government faces the challenging task of balancing its economic and environmental objectives. On one hand, there is a pressing need to ensure energy security and support economic growth. On the other hand, the country is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and there is a global push to reduce carbon emissions and transition to renewable energy.

The Department of Energy has emphasized the importance of a balanced energy mix, where natural gas serves as a bridge fuel that facilitates the transition from coal to renewables. This strategy involves using natural gas to provide reliable base-load power while renewable energy capacity is being scaled up. The government’s stance is that this approach will help maintain energy stability and support economic growth while working towards long-term sustainability goals.

Public and Stakeholder Engagement

Public and stakeholder engagement is crucial for the successful development of the natural gas industry. Transparent communication and consultation processes are necessary to address the concerns of local communities, environmental groups, and other stakeholders. The government has been urged to ensure that environmental regulations are strictly enforced and that the potential social and environmental impacts of natural gas projects are thoroughly assessed and mitigated.

Stakeholders, including local governments, industry players, and civil society organizations, are advocating for a more inclusive approach to energy planning. They emphasize the need for comprehensive impact assessments, public hearings, and the inclusion of local communities in decision-making processes. This inclusive approach is seen as essential for building public trust and ensuring the social license to operate for natural gas projects.

The Future of Natural Gas in the Philippines

The future of natural gas in the Philippines hinges on the successful implementation of supportive policies, the development of infrastructure, and the balancing of economic and environmental considerations. If managed effectively, natural gas can play a crucial role in the country’s energy transition, providing a reliable and relatively cleaner source of energy while renewable energy capacity is expanded.

However, the government must also prioritize the development of renewable energy sources to ensure long-term sustainability. Investments in solar, wind, and hydroelectric power need to be accelerated, alongside efforts to improve energy efficiency and reduce overall energy demand. The ultimate goal should be to create a diversified and resilient energy system that minimizes environmental impacts and supports sustainable development.


The natural gas boom in the Philippines presents both significant opportunities and challenges. Economically, it promises to enhance energy security, attract investment, and generate employment. Environmentally, however, it poses risks that must be carefully managed to prevent negative impacts on climate and ecosystems. The Philippine government, through strategic policy and investments, must strike a balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability.

The Makakalikasan Party emphasizes that a rapid shift to renewable energy is not only feasible but necessary. By changing current privatization policies on energy development to allow public finance to upgrade and expand baseline renewable energy sources such as geothermal and hydroelectric, the Philippines can achieve a sustainable energy future without relying on natural gas as a transition fuel. Their vision advocates for a comprehensive and inclusive approach to energy planning, prioritizing renewable energy and green public works to ensure a resilient and sustainable energy system for the country.

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Roy Cabonegrohttp://currentph.com
Roy Cabonegro is President of the Makakalikasan - Nature Party Philipppine an emerging national green political party. He is also Publishing Manager of Impacts Publishing and acting as Editor in Chief of its http://www.currentph.com online publication.



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