
World Environment Day, June 5, 2024: Urgent Actions Needed to Combat Plastic Pollution and Manage Natural Resources in the Philippines

Today, June 5, the world celebrates World Environment Day with the global theme “Solutions to Plastic Pollution,” highlighting the urgent need to address one of the most critical environmental issues. In the Philippines, this theme takes on added significance as the country grapples with its own environmental challenges. Amidst these, recent legislative and policy developments signal a promising shift towards better natural resource management and ecological conservation.

Addressing Plastic Pollution: A Pressing Issue

The Philippines is one of the world’s top contributors to plastic waste in the oceans, with recent statistics indicating that the country produces approximately 2.7 million metric tons of plastic waste annually, of which 20% ends up in the ocean. This staggering amount of pollution not only threatens marine ecosystems but also impacts human health and livelihoods, particularly in coastal communities.

In response to this crisis, various initiatives have been launched. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has intensified its efforts to regulate single-use plastics and promote sustainable alternatives. Local governments have also implemented stricter ordinances to reduce plastic consumption, and there has been a growing movement towards community-led cleanup drives and educational campaigns on waste segregation and recycling.

Legislative Milestones: Ecosystem and Natural Capital Accounting System (ENCAS) Law

On May 26, 2024, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. signed the Ecosystem and Natural Capital Accounting System (ENCAS) Law. This landmark legislation mandates the integration of environmental values into national accounting systems, providing a comprehensive understanding of the country’s natural capital. By recognizing the economic value of ecosystems, this law aims to inform better policy decisions and foster sustainable development practices .

The ENCAS Law represents a significant step forward in natural resource management (NRM). It aligns with global best practices and demonstrates the Philippines’ commitment to safeguarding its rich biodiversity. This legislation is expected to help manage protected areas more effectively by providing a robust framework for monitoring and valuing ecosystem services .

Climate Adaptation and International Commitments

In another stride toward environmental sustainability, the Philippines recently submitted its climate adaptation plan to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This plan outlines the nation’s strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change, focusing on resilience-building and adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities. The submission underscores the Philippines’ proactive stance in the global climate dialogue and its dedication to meeting international climate commitments .

Environmental Challenges and Urgent Calls for Action

Despite these positive legislative advancements, the state of the Philippine environment remains troubling. Reports highlight significant environmental degradation, including deforestation, pollution, and biodiversity loss. The country’s natural resources are under immense pressure from illegal logging, mining, and unregulated development activities .

The Makakalikasan Party, an environmental advocacy group, has called for urgent and decisive actions to be central to President Marcos Jr.’s upcoming State of the Nation Address (SONA). The group emphasizes the need for comprehensive natural resource management (NRM) strategies to address these environmental crises. They advocate for the enforcement of existing environmental laws, the implementation of the ENCAS Law, and the prioritization of sustainable practices across all sectors .

Advances in Protected Area Management

The recent introduction of “Sukat ng Kalikasan,” a toolkit designed to enhance the management of protected areas, is another promising development. This toolkit provides standardized metrics and methodologies for assessing the health and sustainability of ecosystems within protected zones. It is expected to improve the effectiveness of conservation efforts and ensure that these areas are managed based on scientific and ecological principles .

Legal Actions for Environmental Protection

In a significant move, the Department of Justice (DOJ) is on the verge of completing an environmental case against China, concerning the destruction of coral reefs and other ecological damages in the West Philippine Sea. This legal action underscores the government’s commitment to holding accountable those responsible for environmental destruction, regardless of the geopolitical complexities involved .

Local Environmental Actions in the Past Six Months

Over the past six months, various local environmental actions have taken place across the Philippines, reflecting a growing awareness and commitment to environmental protection. These include:

  1. Coastal Cleanups and Mangrove Reforestation: Numerous coastal cleanup drives have been organized by local governments and NGOs, particularly in highly polluted areas such as Manila Bay and various provinces. Mangrove reforestation projects have also been ramped up in regions like Palawan and Visayas to combat coastal erosion and support marine biodiversity.
  2. Ban on Single-Use Plastics: Several cities and municipalities, including Cebu City and Quezon City, have implemented or strengthened bans on single-use plastics. These bans are aimed at reducing plastic pollution and encouraging the use of sustainable alternatives.
  3. Sustainable Agriculture Initiatives: In rural areas, programs promoting sustainable agriculture practices have been introduced. These initiatives aim to reduce the environmental impact of farming, enhance food security, and support the livelihoods of local farmers.
  4. Renewable Energy Projects: There has been a notable increase in the adoption of renewable energy projects. Solar and wind energy installations are expanding, particularly in off-grid areas, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Public and International Recognition

President Marcos Jr.’s recent environmental initiatives, particularly the signing of the ENCAS Law, have received widespread acclaim. Environmental groups, international organizations, and policymakers have lauded these efforts as critical steps toward sustainable development. The law is expected to pave the way for more informed decision-making and foster a greater appreciation of the country’s natural wealth .

Conclusion: A Path Forward

As we commemorate World Environment Day, it is clear that the Philippines stands at a crucial juncture in its environmental journey. The legislative and policy measures introduced by President Marcos Jr. mark significant progress, but the challenges ahead require sustained and concerted efforts.

The global theme of “Solutions to Plastic Pollution” and the local focus on natural resource management highlight the interconnectedness of our environmental issues. The recent developments in the Philippines, from legislative advancements to international climate commitments, offer hope but also underscore the urgent need for action.

The call of the Makakalikasan Party for the inclusion of environmental issues at the forefront of the next SONA is a timely reminder of the critical role that policy and leadership play in environmental stewardship. As we move forward, it is imperative that the momentum generated by these recent developments is maintained and that concrete actions follow.

World Environment Day serves as a powerful reminder of our collective responsibility to protect and preserve our planet. For the Philippines, this means continuing to innovate in natural resource management, strengthening legal frameworks, and fostering a culture of sustainability. Only through such comprehensive and sustained efforts can we hope to secure a healthy and resilient environment for future generations.


  1. Marcos signs ecosystem, natural capital accounting system law – Rappler. link
  2. Marcos signs law to account for Philippines’ natural resources – Philstar. link
  3. “Sukat ng Kalikasan”: A key toolkit for managing protected areas – Inquirer. link
  4. Philippines submits climate adaptation plan to UNFCCC – Rappler. link
  5. Horrible state of the Philippine environment – Philstar. link
  6. Will Marcos Jr.’s 2024 SONA address the urgent environmental crises? – Journal. link
  7. DOJ eyes completion of environmental case vs. China in a few weeks – Inquirer. link
  8. PBBM lauded for signing ENCAS law – Tribune. link
  9. Philippines grapples with plastic waste – Rappler. link

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Roy Cabonegrohttp://currentph.com
Roy Cabonegro is President of the Makakalikasan - Nature Party Philipppine an emerging national green political party. He is also Publishing Manager of Impacts Publishing and acting as Editor in Chief of its http://www.currentph.com online publication.



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